Uncover Lasting Mental Health in Motherhood
With Kate Kripke, LCSW, PMH-C | Maternal and Child Mental Health Expert
Uncover Lasting Mental Health in Motherhood
With Kate Kripke, LCSW, PMH-C 
Maternal and Child Mental Health Expert
How to Stay Calm as a Mom
Reduce Anxiety and Guilt
& Create a Healthy Bond with Your Child

(this works even if you're a working mom)

Watch this 5 minute video to get started

How to Stay Calm as a Mom
Reduce Anxiety and Guilt
& Create a Healthy Bond with Your Child

(this works even if you're a working mom)
Watch this 5 minute video to get started
What Clients Are Saying

"I read an article Kate wrote and I could tell immediately I needed to speak with her, and it's been the best therapy/coaching relationship I've had."
- Kassia, Los Angeles, CA 

"Kate's willingness to coach and guide in moments of need has been one of the most valuable and impactful parts of what I have gotten out of the relationship to date"
- Jill, San Francisco

"I am so much more aware now of so many things- it's like I was able to remove a filter that was clouding my perception and feelings about myself and my relationships. I am so much more centered internally, and I am continuing to enjoy and be committed to doing this work- first for myself, and second for my boys and the people in my life."
- Jess, St. Louis, MO 

"Everyone in my house is calmer and more joyful. The little irritations slide right through me without causing huge disruptions."
- Kelly, St. Louis, MO

"I learned about my own history with my mother and how that experience influences how I show up as a parent with my own children. I also learned how to better manage discomfort (mostly my own in the face of my children's discomfort), staying grounded through chaotic and intense moments with my children, being kinder to myself. I learned a lot of grounding techniques and coping strategies, as well as a new meaning for what "self-care" looks like. I learned so much!"
- Kirsten, Boulder, CO

"I love Kate's down-to-earth, direct communication style. She is deeply wise and extremely intelligent, and she can relate to anyone. She is able to synthesize my stories, thoughts, and experiences really well and reflect them back to me in a way that makes sense. I always feel really heard and understood by Kate."
- Jessie, New Haven, CT

About Kate
Kate Kripke, LCSW, PMH-C is a nationally recognized author, speaker, podcast host, therapist, and coach. She is credited for helping thousands of women break through the cycle of anxiety and guilt in motherhood so they can feel successful and form healthy and secure attachments with their children. Over the past 20 years, she has helped clients across the world to develop sustainable mental health and wellbeing.

Maternal & Child mental health are interconnected. 
Find your calm and your child will find theirs.
What Clients Are Saying
"I read an article Kate wrote and I could tell immediately I needed to speak with her, and it's been the best therapy/coaching relationship I've had."
- Kassia, Los Angeles, CA 
"Kate's willingness to coach and guide in moments of need has been one of the most valuable and impactful parts of what I have gotten out of the relationship to date"
- Jill, San Francisco, CA
 "I am so much more aware now of so many things- it's like I was able to remove a filter that was clouding my perception and feelings about myself and my relationships. I am so much more centered internally."
- Jess, St. Louis, MO 
"Everyone in my house is calmer and more joyful. The little irritations slide right through me without causing huge disruptions."
- Kelly, St. Louis, MO
"I learned about my own history with my mother and how that experience influences how I show up as a parent with my own children. I learned how to better manage discomfort. I am staying grounded through chaotic and intense moments with my children, and I'm being kinder to myself. I learned a lot of grounding techniques and coping strategies, as well as a new meaning for what "self-care" looks like. I learned so much!"
- Kirsten, Boulder, CO
"I love Kate's down-to-earth, direct communication style. She is deeply wise and extremely intelligent and she can relate to anyone. She is able to synthesize my stories, thoughts, and experiences really well and reflect them back to me in a way that makes sense. I always feel really heard and understood by Kate."
- Jessie, New Haven, CT
About Kate
Kate Kripke, LCSW, PMH-C is a nationally recognized author, speaker, podcast host, therapist, and coach. She is credited for helping thousands of women break through the cycle of anxiety and guilt in motherhood so they can feel successful and form healthy and secure attachments with their children. Over the past 20 years, she has helped clients across the world to develop sustainable mental health and wellbeing.
When you thrive, your child will thrive
Maternal & Child mental health are interconnected. 
Find your calm and your child will find theirs.
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